Food, Glorious Food

2 min readAug 8, 2021

It’s something everyone loves

Photo by Louis Hansel — Restaurant Photographer on Unsplash

What’s your favourite meal? Everyone has that one thing, that one meal — usually hot- that leaves your mouth watering. One whiff of its aroma transports you back in time, back when you first took that life-changing bite and experience those flavours all over again.

For so many people, there’s no food like their mother’s. For others, it’s that one dish you tried on a whim and is now your go-to whenever you’re feeling for a pick-me-up.

Yet, food is also a reason to travel. Travelling inspires a wide palette and provides an opportunity to try more. In China — we tried a hotpot. It was something I had never come across before, almost a cook-your-own situation. Raw food was provided, along with a pot of constantly boiling water, where we dunked in food only to fish it out when cooked. Delightful and inspired and naturally recreated in the confines of our own home.

In Italy, we gorged on pasta and pizza, savouring every cheesy bite and dabbled in all flavours of gelato, attempting to capture a whole culture in a meal. It worked.

Street food galore, even at home, I am constantly hunting for new cuisine to try. Right now, I’m sampling African food — navigating my way through the continent.

What I love about travelling is experiencing how everyday people in that country eat. An act so ordinary, so every day, and yet so widely different. What a wonderful thing.

